If you asked me I would tell you that I've been in labor 5 different times! But alas this "false labor" thing really is starting to get me a little frustrated. Just when I think things will kick into gear and the baby will be on her way I'm wrong. The labor stops and no baby comes of it.
Friday December 20- Felt pretty regular contractions while out shopping at Costco with Mom, Dad and Glen. They were coming a lot and were strong and lasting a decent amount but they were not consistent. I went home and went to bed and they stopped.
Saturday December 21- Woke up with contractions again, I was excited thinking that they were good! They weren't painful though so I knew that was a problem. Had them on and off all day. They got stronger that night when I was out shopping with Mom, Dad and Glen. Ate at J-Dawgs (good thing to eat when you think you're in labor huh?) We went home, I sat in the hot tub for about 2 hours. Went to bed and didn't sleep. My contractions would wake me up, uncomfortable but not painful.
Sunday December 22- Decided at 4:00 am it was useless to lie in bed when I wasn't sleeping anyways. I got up and went downstairs (we were at my parents house) I sat around on the couch and about 6;00 am I fell asleep and about 7:30 my mom and dad were up. My Dad went to meetings and My mom and I went on a walk out to Neal's grave to see if It would help get my labor started. We turned back because I thought I was going to go to the bathroom in my pants! By the time we were done with the walk I was having way strong contractions (still not painful) Went to church and I was still having them. We went back to my parents house after sacrament meeting, and the snow was coming down quite a lot and we decided we should head back to Logan, by the time we got there I was having no contractions. Glen and I went and shoveled snow for 45 minutes seeing if that would help get things moving....nothing. Camille and DJ came over and we played games until 1:00 am. Went to bed.
Monday December 23- Slept like a freaking baby. No contractions in the night.Woke up and stayed pretty busy all morning. Went out shopping around noon to stay on my feet. Had my doctors appointment at 2:30 and was looking forward to seeing if I had progressed. Hadn't progressed, he stripped my membranes. We went to the mall and I started having contractions that were actually somewhat painful. We came home after four and a half hours of fake shopping. My contractions got less frequent, still a little painful but not bad. We are bummed. We decided to open presents early because at this rate we will probably be in the hospital on Christmas. I love Glen, he has good taste and I love all my presents! The contractions aren't getting harder or more painful, they're not getting more frequent or consistent. We are just waiting...
Monday, December 23, 2013
5 Years
December 22, 2008 was one of the worst days of my life. The day I lost my brother, Neal, in a car accident. This year marks the fifth anniversary of his passing. Although the last five years have been some of the toughest I've faced they have also been filled with so many joyful changes. This past year has been filled with good things and feels as though 2014 is going to be a new start. I feel like 2013 was a huge healing year and that the rut it felt like we were in is starting to be filled with happy things. Things are happier. Although we will never be completely how we were before the accident we can still enjoy life to it's fullest.
Saturday December 21, 2013
We went out and decorated Neal's grave. We always decorate the pine tree nearby, although the tree isn't the best looking one, it's always nice to have a little Christmas tree nearby. We brought a wreath and some other little goodies. We spent some time there, mostly watching Glen and Emma have a snow fight. I've never been much of the person to get a lot of comfort at the grave site but it's nice to know that his headstone is decorated and ready for Christmas!
Dad decorating the ugly pine tree :)
Sunday December 22, 2013
I was up all night having false labor. I didn't sleep much. We cried a little and talked about that day five years ago. It was strange because the sky and the snow was falling this day exactly how it was the day Neal was killed.. My mom and I decided to go out for a walk to see if we could get my labor moving a little bit more. We got on warm clothes and went out for a walk, except we should've brought our ice skates because it was SO icy, mom took a nice fall and we laughed until it hurt. We came back and got ready for church because Dad was speaking in their ward. He did such a wonderful job on his talk and made us all cry. We had big plans to make a bunch of goodies and go caroling to some of the elderly people we love. It was pretty stormy and I was still having frequent contractions so we decided to head back up to Logan. I was hoping that maybe the baby would come so that we would have a reason to celebrate rather than be sad, but it wasn't in the stars because no baby has made an appearance yet!
Mom and I on our morning walk!
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Weekly Visits and How to Raise a Horrible Child
We're down to weekly visits with the OBGYN. We went in Monday afternoon and I'm dilated to a 1 and her head is right where it's supposed to be for labor so It literally could be any day....hopefully sooner than later. With all these storms rolling in you never know! People say babies come when there is bad weather. Also enjoy this little article on How to Raise a Loser:
If a parent wants to raise a child who is self-centered, uncaring, unable to take care of himself and most likely to fail as an adult, just do the following:
If a parent wants to raise a child who is self-centered, uncaring, unable to take care of himself and most likely to fail as an adult, just do the following:
1. Give the child everything he wants,
let him do whatever he wants whenever he wants but, only after you
have first said no and he has whined or thrown a temper tantrum on
the ground with kicking and screaming.
2. Whenever your child is accused of
wrongdoing, refuse to believe it; accuse others of picking on him,
find excuses and defend him at all costs.
3. Don't give him responsibilities. Do
everything for him, even wipe his butt, blow his nose, and feed him.
This way he'll expect the world owes him everything.
4. Don't worry about promises or
commitments to others. Whenever you or your child change your mind,
that's okay because it's not your problem.
5. Let him stay out at night as long as
he wishes, and don't concern yourself with what he's doing. Trust
that he's learning to take care of himself.
6. Fight with your spouse regularly,
especially in the presence of your child. Then get a divorce and
blame your child for the divorce.
7. Blame your child for everything
including your problems.
8. Become a habitual abuser of alcohol,
use illegal drugs, preferably cocaine, and refuse to practice common
etiquette in your child’s presence.
9. Complain regularly in your child's
presence about how unfair life is, how untrustworthy people are, and
how people who are racially or ethnically different are the cause of
all problems in this world.
10. Never admit to your child that you
are wrong, never apologize for a mistake.
11. Never take time to listen to your
child or take his wishes into account.
12. Never tell your child that you love
him. This way he'll be more prepared for a rough and tumble world, a
“dog eat dog world” where only the strong survive.
13. Teach him it's okay to do whatever
as long as he avoids being caught.
14. Always compare him with
his brothers and sisters and say to him often “Why can't you be
like your brother?” and show obvious favoritism towards the other
15. Raise your child in a chaotic,
unorganized home where little or no routine so his life will be
filled with uncertainties and inconsistencies.
16. Physically or sexually abuse your
child. This way he will grow up hurt and angry, more likely to abuse
others, especially his own children.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
It's midnight and Glen has already been asleep for close to two hours. I laid there in bed with him until he started to breathe really heavy and I was positive he was sound asleep. Then I snuck out quietly and into the front living room where our computer sits. I have too much on my mind to go to sleep right now, and the baby is kicking so hard and moving around so much that It adds to my restlessness. These nights are becoming quite frequent.
Just a little over 8 months ago I found out I was pregnant. I remember telling Glen for over a week that I thought I was pregnant and he kept telling me that I was overreacting and that I needed to give it time. Finally I told him that he needed to go pick up a pregnancy test because I just knew it. He did. I took it. It was positive. We hugged. We cried. We cried because this was not in our "plans". I guess plans change though. It feels like just yesterday that we were hugging and crying and talking about how not ready we were. But it's okay. Eight months down the road and a lot of those feelings have changed. Don't get me wrong, I'm still scared as hell and don't know what we got ourselves into but I can't wait to meet this little baby. I'm trying to be patient and not want to rush her, she will come when she's ready but, I wish she would come out soon! It sounds nice to be able to paint my own toes again and tie my shoes and be able to breathe again. I'm going to be patient and then hopefully she will come in a timely manner.
Our plans have changed. In some ways they've changed in good ways and in other ways it seems like now are plans are inconvenient. Glen is graduating at the end of this month which is way exciting. I was hoping that I could apply this winter for a year LPN program but that's not realistic with a little baby that needs me. So the LPN and RN business is on hold but I will finish it. Glen and I have both been working, Glen full time and me part time, but now with a baby finances will be a little tight because I won't be able to work. So we're moving down to my parents house to live in the little apartment home in the basement. This was the only thing that seemed realistic, especially since we have to move to Med School this summer and we need to get a good chunk of money in our savings to help cushion the costs. Some people might think we're crazy for moving in with them with a brand new little baby but my parents are so helpful that I think they're going to end up being our saviors! If you were to ask me 9 months ago what the plans were, they would not be this. We would stay in Logan for another year, I would do my LPN, then we would move to Med School and then maybe we would have a baby 5 years down the road. Plans change.
I can't help but think of how good our plans are going to be once we get a baby. It seems like our lives are going to get so crazy and hectic but they're also going to be filled with a lot of fun. Plus I think it will be nice to have a little partner while Glen's in Med School so that I don't get too lonely. I get excited when I think about Glen being a dad. He's going to be the best dad. He gave a talk last week in Sunday and I couldn't stop smiling while he was talking. He's so handsome and such a good public speaker. He told lots of stories, scriptural and personal, and I realized how lucky I am. You know when something just hits you all of the sudden you step back and realize how grateful or blessed you are? Well I guess last Sunday I had one of those moments and I realized how lucky, blessed, and grateful I am for Glen. I think because of him i've survived these past 8 months and I don't know if any other man in their right man could've survived the wrath of me. The crying, yelling, and complaining probably would push any sane person over the edge, yet Glen is always there calm and collected ready to listen or run to the store, or listen to me while I complain about school, work or whatever I decided I didn't agree with or like that day. He's a saint.
Well it's late and I probably should be writing my 5 page paper instead of a 5 page blog post, plus this computer chair is giving me an ulcer it's so uncomfortable. Until next time. Who knows maybe the next blog post will be about my birthing experience (may the good lord help me) any day now, any day.
Just a little over 8 months ago I found out I was pregnant. I remember telling Glen for over a week that I thought I was pregnant and he kept telling me that I was overreacting and that I needed to give it time. Finally I told him that he needed to go pick up a pregnancy test because I just knew it. He did. I took it. It was positive. We hugged. We cried. We cried because this was not in our "plans". I guess plans change though. It feels like just yesterday that we were hugging and crying and talking about how not ready we were. But it's okay. Eight months down the road and a lot of those feelings have changed. Don't get me wrong, I'm still scared as hell and don't know what we got ourselves into but I can't wait to meet this little baby. I'm trying to be patient and not want to rush her, she will come when she's ready but, I wish she would come out soon! It sounds nice to be able to paint my own toes again and tie my shoes and be able to breathe again. I'm going to be patient and then hopefully she will come in a timely manner.
Our plans have changed. In some ways they've changed in good ways and in other ways it seems like now are plans are inconvenient. Glen is graduating at the end of this month which is way exciting. I was hoping that I could apply this winter for a year LPN program but that's not realistic with a little baby that needs me. So the LPN and RN business is on hold but I will finish it. Glen and I have both been working, Glen full time and me part time, but now with a baby finances will be a little tight because I won't be able to work. So we're moving down to my parents house to live in the little apartment home in the basement. This was the only thing that seemed realistic, especially since we have to move to Med School this summer and we need to get a good chunk of money in our savings to help cushion the costs. Some people might think we're crazy for moving in with them with a brand new little baby but my parents are so helpful that I think they're going to end up being our saviors! If you were to ask me 9 months ago what the plans were, they would not be this. We would stay in Logan for another year, I would do my LPN, then we would move to Med School and then maybe we would have a baby 5 years down the road. Plans change.
I can't help but think of how good our plans are going to be once we get a baby. It seems like our lives are going to get so crazy and hectic but they're also going to be filled with a lot of fun. Plus I think it will be nice to have a little partner while Glen's in Med School so that I don't get too lonely. I get excited when I think about Glen being a dad. He's going to be the best dad. He gave a talk last week in Sunday and I couldn't stop smiling while he was talking. He's so handsome and such a good public speaker. He told lots of stories, scriptural and personal, and I realized how lucky I am. You know when something just hits you all of the sudden you step back and realize how grateful or blessed you are? Well I guess last Sunday I had one of those moments and I realized how lucky, blessed, and grateful I am for Glen. I think because of him i've survived these past 8 months and I don't know if any other man in their right man could've survived the wrath of me. The crying, yelling, and complaining probably would push any sane person over the edge, yet Glen is always there calm and collected ready to listen or run to the store, or listen to me while I complain about school, work or whatever I decided I didn't agree with or like that day. He's a saint.
Well it's late and I probably should be writing my 5 page paper instead of a 5 page blog post, plus this computer chair is giving me an ulcer it's so uncomfortable. Until next time. Who knows maybe the next blog post will be about my birthing experience (may the good lord help me) any day now, any day.
Friday, November 29, 2013
It would be terrible if I didn't take five minutes and write the things I am grateful for. Isn't that what Thanksgiving is about? Recognizing everything we have and taking a moment to step back and look at our loved ones around us. Life is so good.
Thanksgiving this year was spent at the Harlan's. Small and perfect. We had All the Harlan's-minus Bri, Ty, and Baby Han unfortunately, but everyone else was here! Douger, Barb and Justin joined us for the feast. I think being pregnant I didn't quite enjoy Thanksgiving like I usually do, I think it was because after not even eating half of the things on my plate I felt like the baby was going to explode out of my abdomen with a BANG like in the comic strips. I have to say the Sock-it-to-ya salad and the yams alone about did me in! But I prevailed and ate to my hearts content.
After we finished dinner Grammy and Grandpa and the Morris' joined us. We sat and talked and laughed. I was so overwhelmed with a sense of love for my family around me. I sometimes forget what a big difference they really do make in our lives. I thought a lot about Neal too. I miss him especially when we're all together like this, it just doesn't seem right. But it is alright.
Since I'm 20 I will write 20 things I'm grateful for....
1. Toilet Paper (i'd starve before I would go without it)
2. My own family! (BABY COME SOON!)
3. New computers so I can be a better blogger (Got a MAC)
4. My clothes in my closet, since I haven't been able to fit in them a new appreciation has risen.
5. Marshmallow Maytey's
6. 2% milk
7. My family of course!
8. Martinelli's because it's the closest thing i'll ever get to a alcoholic drink
9. Crown Moldings
10. Education
11. Instagram and all it's glory.
12. My amazing bed, this is an understatement, I love my bed.
13. Tea, Hot cocoa, and other hot things!
14. The sun
15. Glen being successful and being SO close to getting into Med School!
16. Glen tutoring me in Chemistry, I would be failing if it wasn't for you babe!
17. Friends and all their hilariousness, kindness, and excitedness for my new baby.
18. Fur, I just love fur right now.
19. Gimli, he's too cute to not be grateful for him
20. Razors, because otherwise I would be a part looking monkey woman.
I really am grateful for a lot of things. Our lives almost seem too perfect, like it's almost been too easy. Glen and I are so happy, yah a little stressed about a new baby (what's new??), but overall we have an great life together full of laughs hourly. Times are hard but times are good and for the most part these are good times and I should appreciate them because you never know what's around the corner. So for that I am thankful.
Thanksgiving this year was spent at the Harlan's. Small and perfect. We had All the Harlan's-minus Bri, Ty, and Baby Han unfortunately, but everyone else was here! Douger, Barb and Justin joined us for the feast. I think being pregnant I didn't quite enjoy Thanksgiving like I usually do, I think it was because after not even eating half of the things on my plate I felt like the baby was going to explode out of my abdomen with a BANG like in the comic strips. I have to say the Sock-it-to-ya salad and the yams alone about did me in! But I prevailed and ate to my hearts content.
After we finished dinner Grammy and Grandpa and the Morris' joined us. We sat and talked and laughed. I was so overwhelmed with a sense of love for my family around me. I sometimes forget what a big difference they really do make in our lives. I thought a lot about Neal too. I miss him especially when we're all together like this, it just doesn't seem right. But it is alright.
Since I'm 20 I will write 20 things I'm grateful for....
1. Toilet Paper (i'd starve before I would go without it)
2. My own family! (BABY COME SOON!)
3. New computers so I can be a better blogger (Got a MAC)
4. My clothes in my closet, since I haven't been able to fit in them a new appreciation has risen.
5. Marshmallow Maytey's
6. 2% milk
7. My family of course!
8. Martinelli's because it's the closest thing i'll ever get to a alcoholic drink
9. Crown Moldings
10. Education
11. Instagram and all it's glory.
12. My amazing bed, this is an understatement, I love my bed.
13. Tea, Hot cocoa, and other hot things!
14. The sun
15. Glen being successful and being SO close to getting into Med School!
16. Glen tutoring me in Chemistry, I would be failing if it wasn't for you babe!
17. Friends and all their hilariousness, kindness, and excitedness for my new baby.
18. Fur, I just love fur right now.
19. Gimli, he's too cute to not be grateful for him
20. Razors, because otherwise I would be a part looking monkey woman.
I really am grateful for a lot of things. Our lives almost seem too perfect, like it's almost been too easy. Glen and I are so happy, yah a little stressed about a new baby (what's new??), but overall we have an great life together full of laughs hourly. Times are hard but times are good and for the most part these are good times and I should appreciate them because you never know what's around the corner. So for that I am thankful.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Help us Choose our Baby's Name!
After much care and consideration we have narrowed down our baby names. We would appreciate any input! Click the link below to take the survey and cast your vote!!!
Monday, November 18, 2013
Med School Interviews
Well Glen has heard back from 3 schools. Rocky Vista in Denver rejected him, but we don't like them anyways because his scores were way above their average so I think he's too good to go somewhere like that anyways! (we keep telling ourselves that so we don't feel to bad ha!) But really the only good thing that came out of Colorado was The Lumineers and people only know them because of a one hit wonder that personally has gotten so old as far as I'm concerned my grandmother listened to it. Yes, they're from Denver, and now you have another piece of useless information in your brain.
Midwestern in Arizona put Glen on a wait list which isn't a bad thing. He still has a chance of getting an interview especially as they are rolling enrollment which means as someone drops out they add someone.
Pacific Northwest in Washington state is so far our favorite because get this, GLEN GOT AN INTERVIEW! We are so excited because I've always loved the northwest and could seriously live there. He flies out January 9th (hopefully the baby is here by then, if not just kill me) He has his flight booked and we are seriously praying our hearts out that it goes well. I was so excited that I started researching the town that the Medical School is in. Yakima. let's just say I'm not quite as excited as I was..... See for yourself.
Midwestern in Arizona put Glen on a wait list which isn't a bad thing. He still has a chance of getting an interview especially as they are rolling enrollment which means as someone drops out they add someone.
Pacific Northwest in Washington state is so far our favorite because get this, GLEN GOT AN INTERVIEW! We are so excited because I've always loved the northwest and could seriously live there. He flies out January 9th (hopefully the baby is here by then, if not just kill me) He has his flight booked and we are seriously praying our hearts out that it goes well. I was so excited that I started researching the town that the Medical School is in. Yakima. let's just say I'm not quite as excited as I was..... See for yourself.
As you can see it looks exactly like Utah, which is exactly what I don't want. But I'm still happy that Glen got an interview. And it's nice to know that the picture on the left is only an hour drive away...
We were so happy Glen got an interview that we stopped an got some Martinelli's and had a toast (ignore the ugly scrubs)
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Baby Shower
Last weekend my beautiful family threw me the prettiest baby shower I have ever seen! They had a Fall theme and the food was absolutely divine. Briana and Hannah came out all the way from Delaware and were able to be there! Here are some of the beautiful pictures from the shower, just to give you a taste of how perfect it was! Thanks to all the beauties who made it!
Yummy Ginger-Ale & Apple juice concoction
Pumpkin cheese balls!
Pumpkin rolls and tarts
Family Pictures :)
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
As many of you know Glen is currently applying to Medical School. The MCAT is a standardized test that you have to take before you apply and then schools decide if your smart enough or not based on your score. Glen took it the first time back in June. He had spent 2 weeks doing research in Puru, came back, studied for 2 weeks and then took the test. The MCAT was a swear word at our house after we got that score back. It wasn't terrible but definitely not what we wanted, but for how little he put in he did pretty well. He contacted a few schools and they recommended he take the test again and see if he could get a higher score because even one or two points could make a difference! He signed up to take it again and for the next 6 weeks he seriously studied his A$$ off! I was basically a widow and picked up extra shifts at the care home. Well....we got his score back this week and we are SO ecstatic! He improved his score by 5 points which is HUGE! This is the difference between getting into Med School or not. I am so proud of his large brain and dedication. He put so much work and effort into studying that It's nice to see our hard work paying off. I made a banner and cookies so when Glen got off work we could celebrate. The next night we went out with a couple friends to Gaucho Brazilian Grill for a nice, and expensive dinner! We enjoyed every second of it! So proud of you Glen. We're one step closer to Med School.
Brazilian Grill with some of our Favorite couples! David and Mara, Michael and Branae
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Birthday, Halloween, and Good Company
The past few weeks have been so busy and I keep taking a look back and
wondering how I got this far! September 23rd we celebrated Neal Harlan's
23rd birthday! I can't believe he has been gone for 5 birthdays! I
forgot that morning and then when I realized it was his birthday I
couldn't stop crying the rest of the day...but never fear, cupcakes are
here! We stopped by and got 4 delicious cupcakes then spent the night
with our favorite Zolman family playing croquet, eating way to spicy
jalapeno poppers, and a good movie!
I also decorated my house for Halloween! HOORAY! I couldn't wait to
break out all my stuff, I love this holiday way to much, even though It
stresses me out because I never know what I'm going to be until a few
hours before I have to be somewhere in my costume! Cheers to freaking
Halloween and Cheers to all of it's goodness!
We started out Conference Weekend with a bunch of sealings of important people at the Bountiful temple, pics to come? Eh probably not because Camille has them all. We then spent the night at Glen's sisters house in Layton. We love the Thompson Family! We headed to SLC where we met up with Ryan, Glen's brother and his cute wife Jordan and baby Blaire. We enjoyed a nice lunch at Pei Wei and some good shopping at Nordy's Rack! We ended with a divine dinner at the Bennion's and headed down to the Harlan's where we mostly slept and ate and Chloe, bless her heart, did these pregnant lady's toes! I think Chloe could join the ranks of an Asian she is so good at nails! It was a successful weekend!
On October 13th we went to Idaho Falls so Glen could participate in blessing our new baby niece Ivy Mae Leavitt. We loved being there and the good food and company. It's so crazy to think that in a few short months that will be us. I don't know if I'm quite ready yet.
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This is the only picture we have of Neal's last Birthday with us! |
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Cupcakes make everything better! |
We started out Conference Weekend with a bunch of sealings of important people at the Bountiful temple, pics to come? Eh probably not because Camille has them all. We then spent the night at Glen's sisters house in Layton. We love the Thompson Family! We headed to SLC where we met up with Ryan, Glen's brother and his cute wife Jordan and baby Blaire. We enjoyed a nice lunch at Pei Wei and some good shopping at Nordy's Rack! We ended with a divine dinner at the Bennion's and headed down to the Harlan's where we mostly slept and ate and Chloe, bless her heart, did these pregnant lady's toes! I think Chloe could join the ranks of an Asian she is so good at nails! It was a successful weekend!
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Glen and Blaire |
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My amazing toes Chloe Noel did! She has to have Chinese in her blood! |
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This is cute Ivy Mae on her blessing day! (I gave her that headband!) Check out Karly's blog She's an amazing photographer! |
Friday, October 4, 2013
St. George and Stuff
We had such a fabulous weekend down in St. George with the whole Harlan crew, minus Chloe. Glen finished taking the "test that shall not be named" (MCAT) so to celebrate we left town early and skipped class and hitched a ride with the Harlan's. I love vacations but the worst part is knowing what you have to come home to. We came home to school, cleaning, homework, tests, and worst of all a stinky house because I forgot to take the trash when we left so it smelt like a bunch of dead pets filled out house. I took my first Chemistry test and I'm pretty sure I did decent thanks to my brilliant husband who makes more sense in 5 minutes than my professor has in 10+ hours of class, but my professor does have one thing going for him and that's his voice, it sounds like he's straight off of a cartoon of some sort. But hooray that that is done. We enjoyed some great tennis watching thanks to Kelbie Emma, good Thai food, pool time and of course a good caving experience, although it is getting harder to crawl through small spaces with this belly that is forming.
This is us in the deep dark cave, apparently my shirt is a little too small
Looking at caves
Me attempting in the background to get into the cave
It was a fun successful weekend! Thanks Camille for letting me steal your pictures :)
This is us in the deep dark cave, apparently my shirt is a little too small
Looking at caves
Me attempting in the background to get into the cave
It was a fun successful weekend! Thanks Camille for letting me steal your pictures :)
I also had the most ridiculous assignment for Interior Design, which I was taking for a "fun class", but turns out it's adding a little too much stress to my life and I'm not so sure that it's going to be enjoyable like I thought it was when I signed up for it. We had to take pictures of the Alphabet letters in architecture or nature. It was freaking hard and I suck at binding books, so I found out, I thought maybe everyone else had the same problem I did with binding, but when I turned mine in everyone else looked like they were professional book binders. Where did they all learn to do that? Not YouTube cause I tried that!
Friday, August 30, 2013
Back to School
The first week of school has ended and I
can't believe that I do this again....and again....and again. But
people keep telling me that If I go to college I'll make more money in
my career or something someday so I guess it's a good thing and I should
enjoy the experience of learning. This is Glen's last semester and for
that reason I feel the need to throw a party to celebrate everyday
that we are closer! We are beyond excited! Except unfortunately Med
School will require 4 more years of us...ouch. But we keep thinking
positive and pretend like we are kind of done in December. I'll graduate
with my Associates degree which I don't know why it took so long because I
swear people graduate High School with theirs but I think it makes me
sound somewhat accomplished so I am proud. I got sick this week, I bet
it's a combination of nasty people who don't wash their hands often
enough on campus and the ward potluck we went to (you can't see what their kitchen
looks like and that scares me). I realized what a cranky person I've
become as I am easily irritated by the incoming Freshman, kill me if I
was ever that annoying. I'm kind of a brat and sometimes want to say "I
already have my friends I like and I'm here to learn so please don't
bother me." Is that rude? Yes, yes it is. That's why I haven't said it
to anybody. Happy Fall Semester of 2013, hope you can all survive with
good health and decent grades. Pray for me.
Meet Ivy Mae
We got a new niece this week and we are SO excited! This is cute Ivy Mae Leavitt!
We are headed to Idaho Falls this Labor Day weekend to see this cute little babe! Can't wait to see and hold her. We are also getting a little girl heavy...What's happening Bennion Family?
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
DIY Wreath
Camille and I spent the day yesterday making these adorable wreaths! Check out the instructions on Rachel's blog here
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Back East
This summer I was able to use my flight miles, from last summer's trip to Hong Kong, for a flight back East. I tagged along with the amazing Harlan crew with Katrina as our official trip planner, except with 2 teens and a pregnant lady she probably felt like the "Official complainer listener."
We flew into NYC on the 4th of July, how patriotic of us! We met Bri, Ty, and baby Han at our house in Harlem. It was a very cute house, can't say the same about the neighborhood. We then grabbed some grub at a local Harlem restaurant and had fried chicken and waffles. I don't really get why anyone would like it but I guess if you are into that power to ya. We hiked a long trek towards the water front to try and watch the fire works across the river. By the time we got to where we could see the fireworks we were so exhausted we decided to turn back and start making our way back to beat the crowd! We did enjoy some of the fireworks and snapped a picture of course! The next few days we went to museums, good restaurants and of course shopped to our hearts content. Don't worry we hit canal street to see if there was any knock off jewelry/bags we wanted to take home with us. We spent the day touring Ground Zero and seeing the new construction they are up to. It's beautiful and incredible. My mind was blown at the space that was left behind and all the names that were left with no remains.
Sunday morning we jumped on the MegaBus and drove to Delaware where Bri and Ty's car was parked. We went to church and enjoyed a nice home cooked meal courtesy of Chef Briana. They next day we spent in Rohoboth Beach. We stopped by an Irish pub with amazing food. We played in the sand and waded in the jellyfish infested water.
We headed to Baltimore where Dad had a conference. We were excited to find that we were walking distance from a decent shopping mall and our hotel overlooked the water. We headed to Amish Country where we enjoyed making pretzels, eating ice cream, touring parts of the countryside, petting animals and eating baked goods. It was so interesting to learn about their religion and lifestyle! I love when people are dedicated and love the way they live, and they truly do. The next few days were humid and rainy. We spent most of our time watching HGTV and shopping! We went to an amazing museum and were so bummed when we had to leave because our parking meter was going to run up. Bri, Ty, and Han met up with us the last day where we enjoyed our last super at P.F. Changs where the memorable Hannah head butted the table full force. The Harlan's flew back to SLC and I was lucky enough to spend 3 extra days with the Kelley Family! They were nice and relaxed days filled with playing, eating Amish donuts, picnicking, canoeing, and good laughs.
It was a beautiful trip but I sure did miss Glen by the end and was ready to get back to him! Unfortunately Glen, Camille, and DJ weren't able to come out with the rest of us but i'm sure we will get all of us out there someday!
We flew into NYC on the 4th of July, how patriotic of us! We met Bri, Ty, and baby Han at our house in Harlem. It was a very cute house, can't say the same about the neighborhood. We then grabbed some grub at a local Harlem restaurant and had fried chicken and waffles. I don't really get why anyone would like it but I guess if you are into that power to ya. We hiked a long trek towards the water front to try and watch the fire works across the river. By the time we got to where we could see the fireworks we were so exhausted we decided to turn back and start making our way back to beat the crowd! We did enjoy some of the fireworks and snapped a picture of course! The next few days we went to museums, good restaurants and of course shopped to our hearts content. Don't worry we hit canal street to see if there was any knock off jewelry/bags we wanted to take home with us. We spent the day touring Ground Zero and seeing the new construction they are up to. It's beautiful and incredible. My mind was blown at the space that was left behind and all the names that were left with no remains.
Our view of the fireworks! Over 4 million people gather each year!
The Freedom Tower.
Ground Zero Memorial with baby Hannah
Hannah being a stinker and pushing their faces away! We were at the MET
History museum we went to.
Sunday morning we jumped on the MegaBus and drove to Delaware where Bri and Ty's car was parked. We went to church and enjoyed a nice home cooked meal courtesy of Chef Briana. They next day we spent in Rohoboth Beach. We stopped by an Irish pub with amazing food. We played in the sand and waded in the jellyfish infested water.
Irish pub with Mom and Dad
Rohoboth Beach with the babe!
Hanging out with the beach babes!
I'm 16 weeks pregnant here...probably the last i'll see of that bikini.
We headed into Philadelphia the next morning where we saw the Liberty Bell, and Independence Hall (where the deceleration was signed for all of you who don't know your U.S. history-shame on you) We then went to Redding Market where I met up with an old work friend Adrianna and her adorable baby girl Penny, You can see her blog here. She's a talented mom
Independence Hall
Adrianna and baby Penny showing us their hometown.
Liberty Bell
Redding Market.
We headed to Baltimore where Dad had a conference. We were excited to find that we were walking distance from a decent shopping mall and our hotel overlooked the water. We headed to Amish Country where we enjoyed making pretzels, eating ice cream, touring parts of the countryside, petting animals and eating baked goods. It was so interesting to learn about their religion and lifestyle! I love when people are dedicated and love the way they live, and they truly do. The next few days were humid and rainy. We spent most of our time watching HGTV and shopping! We went to an amazing museum and were so bummed when we had to leave because our parking meter was going to run up. Bri, Ty, and Han met up with us the last day where we enjoyed our last super at P.F. Changs where the memorable Hannah head butted the table full force. The Harlan's flew back to SLC and I was lucky enough to spend 3 extra days with the Kelley Family! They were nice and relaxed days filled with playing, eating Amish donuts, picnicking, canoeing, and good laughs.
Pretzel making in Amishville
The beautiful Amish Country
Amish petting zoo. We were intrigued because none of us have ever seen a peacocks full spread!
Enjoying our Amish ice cream.
Rainy shopping day in Baltimore
The amazing museum we could've spent days in.
P.F. Changs and of course Hannah is waving to her fans!
A triplet convention they were having in Baltimore! We couldn't stop laughing!
Lums Pond canoeing and picnic. Hannah was hot and not enjoying the ride much.
It was a beautiful trip but I sure did miss Glen by the end and was ready to get back to him! Unfortunately Glen, Camille, and DJ weren't able to come out with the rest of us but i'm sure we will get all of us out there someday!
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