1) Going the extra mile will probably give you blisters and make you sore the next morning. Sometimes it's okay to call it quits. Like today, it was Monday. By noon thirty today Olive had already pulled out every pot, pan, cookie sheet, bowl and anything else you can think of out of my kitchen drawers. She had exhausted every toy she had, she was sick of her string cheese (which she worships) and is teething (I think/am praying that this madness has an end) Instead of coming up with something creative or bundling up to go play outside I went into survival mode. I stopped trying to clean up after her, decided that we were having frozen dinners from Costco and that I would crack open a Pepsi even though I usually only treat myself on Weekends. Going the extra mile is only for certain days, like Friday.
2) Over the counter medications work. Certain people are always saying that we take too many medications, that it's all in our head...yada yada yada. Well I'm here to tell you that if you have a headache just take the dang pill. Why do we try to fend off a headache all day when the first 15 minutes of our day we can cure it? They work, take the pill.
3) Fake it until you make it-if you aren't feeling happy, fake it. If you're tired, fake it. I found that if I pretend than suddenly I'm actually feeling the way i'm "faking."
4) Eat Vegetables. They help keep you regular, we all need that.
5) Someone is happy with less than what you have. It's true. Don't think about this one too hard otherwise it can get depressing. Be grateful.
6) If a hair tie won't go around your hair 3 times throw it away. It's useless. Invest in good ponytails.
7) Just when you think you are done with dishes you are not. Turn around, there are still pots on the stove.
8) Home is where the ugly is. Really though, you should be able to be ugly/not get ready and feel comfortable. Refer back to today when Olive and I were still in our pajamas at 4:00pm.
9) Dance. I've tried really hard the past two weeks to not let a day go by that we don't have a minute dance party. Glen is sometimes home and sometimes he isn't but dancing really can change your day, plus you can pretend you already exercised for the day (high five!)
10) Stressed spelled backwards is desserts. It's not a coincidence people. Eat more dessert, period.
11) "Nothing haunts you like the things you didn't buy." Treat yo self every once and a while. It's good for the soul to splurge every so often. But not too often because that results in other issues.
12) Keep it simple. Keep it honest. Keep it real.
Wouldn't be a blog post without Olive posing.
You are wise beyond your years, girl!