Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Surprise! No really, this was a HUGE surprise! I have been convinced the entire pregnancy that this little bun in the oven was a handsome boy. I hate to admit this but I even bought some little boy attire. Nothing that can't be re-gifted right? The ultrasound went well and all the main organs, head, spine, and shape looks great. It all boils down to the fact that I'm grateful I have a healthy little baby, but it is fun to now know the gender. I'm a little nervous about the bank account because I fear with a little girl my spending habits could be, should we say, out of control.  The little stinker wouldn't show her face to us, except for a split second and we actually barely caught it on camera! A camera shy baby? She can't be mine! We are so excited for this addition to our tiny family. It is quite strange to think that in a few short months we will have new responsibilities. Here are a few pictures so you can see our 3D baby!!!
 Her bum bum shot!
 Hiding her face with her arm, STINKER!
 It's never too early to practice crossing your legs like a princess!
The one and only face shot! Little button nose. 
Her head doesn't look too big, which is good because
I've been worried about her having the "Bennion" head
which means VERY large head. I'm praying for my sake.


  1. oh my gosh, YAY!!! Seriously, girls are the BEST!!! :) So happy it's a girl (for more reasons than one... juuuuust kidding! but the race is still on. will camille beat us both???). I'm even happier that she's healthy and everything looks normal! Those 3D pictures are really cool. She looks much less like an alien than Hannah did at that age. Now I can go hogwild :). Love you!

  2. Woot!Woot! We are so happy for you :) Even if we had a boy first, we would have to name him David the Third before we named him Harlan :) love you guys! Crafting here we come
